Beautiful Lilja

We have some grotty weather ahead so Floss kindly walked down and opened the gate to let the hordes through.

The hordes did not need asking twice and at one stage I had ten horses/ponies galloping straight at me!

While I stood in the middle of the field with my camera, I happily snapped away trying to capture the moment.

Lilja (and Sóley) flew around the field together enjoying this “new” field.  They haven’t been here for a few months.

The Minions were less interested (food!) so the Icelandic girls enjoyed the moment and ran and ran.

It was beautiful to watch.

The more I see Lilja, the more I can see she is growing up to be a very special lady.

Although not as tall as her brother, Dreki, she is a lovely shape with a gorgeous head.

Very like her dear father, Taktur.

And I put this photo in because, well just because really.  I like her shape and exhilaration..

Lilja will start her training next year and that is a very exciting prospect ahead.  Something to look forward to.

Lilja is a truly beautiful mare.

5 thoughts on “Beautiful Lilja

  1. Kerry

    Stunning photos: Princess Lilja looks so elegant and is showing Soley the Foley how to be a lady. Love the hordes streaming through the gate

  2. Margaret Robinson

    The minions are cute, but Lilja is absolutely stunning and Soley will grow up to be another stunner!


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