

Fivla came home (to slim down), Taktur was running up and down the fence and BeAnne went to tell him off.

Suddenly she wasn’t running.  She had collapsed.  Her left side didn’t work.

I was busy trying to put Fivla in the stable (away from her Lothario) while carrying BeAnne in my arms.  She just lay there.

OH called the vet surgery  – none at the surgery until 17:00 (it was 15:00) – so I called again and said I thought BeAnne had had a stroke and she needed to see a vet now.  We were told to come over immediately and a vet would attend.

Daisy drove me while I sat in the passenger seat with BeAnne lying in my arms.  All I could do was tell her I was there, I loved her and she must stay calm.

The vet examined BeAnne and her right side was now not functioning (which made me doubt that I had seen her left side give up, but later OH confirmed this too).

Her right front leg had no reflexes.  The other three legs worked.  She could not weight bear and she flopped over onto her side if we tried to stand her up.  At the moment, she is paralysed.

The vet weighed her, gave her an injection of ACP (Acepromazine) and then x-rayed her. BeAnne was a good girl.  She managed without an anaesthetic and I stayed at her head telling her how proud I was of her and that her mother loved her.  No wriggling, no distress.  Just total trust.

Diagnosis so far:
BeAnne has a spinal cord lesion at C7 (just between her shoulder blades).  There was no evidence on the x-ray of a tumour but this cannot be ruled out as x-rays shows bones far better than soft tissue.

The vet wanted BeAnne to have complete bed rest.  This is possible up to a point but BeAnne’s main aim in life is to be with me, wherever I go.  She suffers from separation anxiety (as do I from her) and will do anything to find me at the detriment of herself.

So the plan is that we are going to sedate her for the next few weeks.  She can wake up for food and to go outside (if she can weight bear, or I will use a towel sling to keep her upright) for a pee and poo and then she will have another pill (ACP) and go back to bed.  The vet has lent us a crate that is just the right size for her usual bed and it will keep her contained.

She will have steroids and sedation in pill form.

At the moment, BeAnne  is sleeping.  She managed a slight woof, when I came in from taking Fivla to her Fat Fighters Field (Daisy stayed with her).  We haven’t negotiated the pee’ing process yet but we will and if we don’t she has one of Lambie’s incontinence pads under her.  Everything is washable.  I don’t care.  I just want her to be comfortable and rested.

I will sleep on a mattress downstairs next to her crate so she knows I am near her.

There will be someone with her all the time – me or Daisy.  Daisy is her next best friend and a good substitute for me.

We will now start playing the waiting game.  If she doesn’t respond to bedrest and start to regain her legs, then she will be referred south for a CT or MRI scan and possible surgery.

The bit that I can’t get my head around is that our local hospital has a CT scanner but it is for humans only.  Words fail.

All your prayers please.  All your kind thoughts.  BeAnne needs them.  She is my little precious heaven.


34 thoughts on “BeAnne

  1. Cathy

    Oh Frances, not BeAnne! Thank goodness she has you and her family to help her. If anyone can get her through this, you can. All love and prayers for you all, I shall be thinking of you and willing her to get better.

  2. christine McGinlay

    Francis, words cannot express how sorry I am to hear about BeAnne. I really, really hope that she makes a good recovery. My thoughts (although of no practical use) are with you all.

  3. Terri

    **sniff** Please tell Her Majesty that someone far, far away is thinking about her and sending healing vibes and saying lil prayers and lighting a candle and wishing her a full and speedy recovery! (and also that her Mum needs her to get well, as she makes her own recovery….) xoxo

  4. Yvonne

    Oh no! these puppies are so very precious to us, it’s unbearable when they become ill. Be a good girl Beanne, stay calm and get better soon xo

  5. roberta

    Frances, thoughts are with you…we know what you are going through, one of our Dachshounds had similar…ended up with surgery….Amy came good….after physio….swimming .I used to carry her crate (soft one) to where I was …..
    Thoughts are with you…

  6. Susan

    My prayers and thought are with you both. Our babies are so precious to us. Stay strong for BeAnne. Love to both of you and all of your family through this worrying time. xxx

  7. Sheryl

    Healing loving prayers for a lovely precious puppy from Victoria Australia to get better as soon as you are able from all of us. Audrey Rosie Daisy Jessie and Milo and their human parents.

  8. Judith Garbutt

    Can only begin to imagine how you are feeling, Frances (and the rest of the family too). Sending cyberhugs for you and BeAnne and praying for her recovery. xx

  9. Sam

    Keeping you and BeAnne in our thoughts and prayers. She is such a good little soldier, keeping your army of critters in line. The Maine Coons send healing purrs your way.

  10. Linda

    Oh Frances, I’m sitting her blubbering (and I don’t cry much): I will send up all the prayers I can muster for her to get over this. In the meantime, you’re sticking close and giving her the support and love she needs now.

  11. Mairead

    BeAnne is a fighter. She will fight and fight and fight because she knows she is loved and there is a reason to live. My thoughts are with you all. Sending hugs and healing vibes.

  12. Shelley

    My dog Pickles had a similar disc problem – fell over in the back of the car one day. She had surgery right away and came through with flying colors. The steroids she took for a while made her a little zombi-like but other than that she was fine .

  13. Janet

    Big hugs & many prayers winging their way from British Columbia – it’s so hard when your best friend is unwell. Beanne – get well soon & don’t let your Mom down !!!!

  14. Vicki

    I’m catching up on a few days of posts. I hope Beanne is doing better, and time will heal her completely. If she could only tell you in words. Take care.


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