Any Interest?

I have been going round and round in my head with this situation.

The bills are beginning to pour in for Haakon and his illness.  I was not expecting and did not budget for this.  I have a vet bill (two visits plus blood tests and meds), a hay bill (the poor lad has to eat something)) and a feed bill (again, when we thought it was laminitis, the poor lad had to have a special diet which he is still eating because low sugar is not a bad thing and I don’t believe in throwing anything away).  All are fairly hefty.

So would anyone be interested in having one of my little felted creations in return for a donation to go towards these bills?  I am enjoying my new hobby and work hard every evening while waiting to turn lights out for Haakon and Taktur attempting to make a little sheep or bird.  That seems to be my repertoire at the moment.

So, here we go:

1)  The (military) Robin.

2)  Flappy Penguin

3)  Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah (Mr Bluebird on my shoulder)

4)   Curly Ringlet Sheep

5)  Big Nose Sheep with grey legs

6)  Grey Brown Slightly Worried Sheep


7)  Wonky Big Ears – Derpy Sheep (who is impossible to photograph!)  He is actually very cute in real life but those ears got out of control.


8)  Pretty Little White Sheep

9)  Puffin – who is not for sale.  I made him for my mother but I can make another if anyone is interested.

So that is them.  I am actually very proud of what I have achieved and if you are interested in anyone, please let me know – . They were made with love.

Obviously these bills are my responsibility and I am not going to shirk them but any help would be hugely appreciated and I would not say no.


30 thoughts on “Any Interest?

  1. Karen Carter

    I feel sad at the thought of you parting with these adorable little creations. I’d gladly send a donation towards the vet bills as a thank you for keeping me entertained with your daily exploits. Your blog posts and instagram updates brighten my day.

  2. Sam

    Duh! Of course we are interested! My problem is that to ship a sheep (say that 3 times fast) is pricey given I am in New England.

  3. Louise

    I love that idea! A carrot and a hug (if they’ll put up with that sort of thing) for each minion would be ideal. I’d love to see your lovely creations in your animation productions, don’t need one on a shelf. Will use PayPal.

  4. Sandra coffman

    I send some money wish it could be more.
    I enjoy hearing about everyone each day.
    No need to send anything. I live in Florida and know it takes lots of money to seed something here from there. Once ordered some Shetland sheep yard from there. Postage cost more than the yarn.

  5. Carla Bowlin

    Yes. I would love to send a donation for Haakon. I will use Paypal. Get better soon, Buddy…
    I live in the USA so postage isn’t practical. Use it all on Haakon. I just require more stories and pictures in the future of the gang. I love to visit your corner of the world through your eyes and personalities of your critters. Best wishes and hugs to all.

    1. Frances Post author

      Thank you very much Carla. I am immensely grateful. I will certainly write more stories and pictures of everyone and our lives in Shetland. That I can do! x xx

  6. Yvonne

    Sorry just sent you an email before reading the comments. Please cancel the sheep, didn’t think of the cost of shipping. Instead I will donate via PayPal and enjoy more delightful critters as they emerge from your imagination.

    1. Frances Post author

      Cancelled but are you sure. I will find out sheepie postage (felted not real – Lambie too large for envelope and put up a fight) to US and Canada and let the cost be known.

  7. diane in northern wis

    Hi Frances! I just sent you off a donation to help with Haakon’s Vet Bills. I love all your little fluffy creations but would rather see them in a production on your blog, as others here have also stated. Wish I could send more…but please know my heart is with you!

  8. Katherine

    Have you considered wee mini felted minions? That might be worth the postage.

    Also, have you considered setting up a Patreon account? It looks like many of us are willing to pay for our entertainment. One dollar a month from 100 people would buy a lot of carrots.

    1. Frances Post author

      I tried making a small Minion (Zip de doo dah bluebird) which nearly killed me. Just as much effort goes into small as big. I might try again, though.

      As for Patreon – I am not sure I am comfortable with asking folk to pay for my thoughts. It’s just me. It doesnt sit well and also puts me under pressure, which I make for myself, so I would find that difficult.

      1. May

        I try to click through to Team Tumeric every once in a while. Is there other companies that you would feel comfortable with sponsoring your blog as well? I’m fine with some ads if it helps keep the gang fed and healthy. Would that work better for you?

        Thank you so much for your blog!

        1. Frances Post author

          No one has ever asked me tbh. I would love to be sponsored if it were something I used all the time, like The turmeric from The Golden Pate Company.

  9. Gunn Iren Kjoendal

    Hi Frances, I have just sent a donation for Haakon. No need to send anything ❤️ Love to follow your blog. Give Haakon and his friends a big hug from me I will visit Bjørn and Tore in April/May. Maybe I see you then!

      1. Gunn Iren Kjoendal

        Thank you very much, Frances! It would be lovely to visit you and the gang This time I’m travelling with two friends, Gro and Synøve. Gro has two horses and a Shetland pony herself, so I think she would be exited to meet you. All the best to all of you! I will be in touch!

  10. Judith Garbutt

    Hi Frances, Just caught up with this. Donation on the way! I hope Haakon is starting to feel better.

  11. Suca Johnson

    Happy to contribute. I get way more enjoyment from you and your blog than anyone deserves for free.

  12. rheather

    I too wish you had a Patreon account because I enjoy your posts so much, but have a spotty memory on making donations! But I understand not wanting the pressure of one also! Sending good foot vibes to Haakon and now ‘no tummy troubles’ for minions.


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