Another Bucket

*** sigh *** naughty, naughty chippie-chipmunk Minions /*** sigh ***.

It really is too much.

So dear Flossie did the lugging and took a left-over salt/mineral lick in a bucket into their field.

Storm was very optimistic that there was actually chocolate cake.

This is his best Smiley Face.

(don’t stick your tongue out, Storm – it’s not nice).

Yes, I saw you!

As you can see, it was slightly raining but it is warm and the grass is still growing, which is unheard of for this time of year.  We have much less mud than usual.

We took carrots as well and they were very fairly distributed.

Awww, Newt-the-Cute!

No one was missed out (look at Lilja trying hard to be included – she had already had her ration.)

Yin and Yang

Anywho, I don’t know why the Minions are eating the fences.  They have 50 acres of field with grass, a variety of plants and fresh water.  There really is no need.  I am holding out from giving them a feed bucket because it is full of sugar and that is one thing they don’t need.  I’ve just looked on ‘tnet and apparently it might be not enough dietary fibre – and that I cannot believe.  Fibre is is the one thing in an abundance.  I am at my wit’s end with this.  If they keep going, I am going to paint the fences with a concoction of chilli oil and Fairy Liquid (patent pending).

3 thoughts on “Another Bucket

  1. Mary Colleen McNamara

    I think they might be bored; maybe a couple of “jolly balls” . I think that is the name. We used to have a few for our horses. They have a handle and can be picked up and run with or rolled around???Ours played with them quite a bit.


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