An Unusual Walk

My job, at the moment, amongst many, is to walk the dogs and possibly the cat.

So off we set, Monster, Pepper and Ted.

Everyone wearing their hi-viz!

Nothing to see here. Move along!

Stealth cat.

Monster clambered through the fence, whining.

He got a bog-brush tail from the surprise of it all (we haven’t been this way for a while).

And complained bitterly about getting his paws dirty.

The rest of us just got on with it.

Because we are used to mud (oh, yes, we have mud.  Much mud at the moment).

8 thoughts on “An Unusual Walk

  1. Judith Garbutt

    It’s lovely that Monster wants to accompany you, Pepper and Ted. He manages to stay so beautifully white despite the mud. The photograph of Pepper in mid-flight is an absolute gem – very well captured! And Ted is looking particularly handsome at the moment.

  2. Elva

    What I admire most is Monster’s intense look of determination!!
    How are Ster’s eyes doing? Are they responding to treatment? I sure hope so!!


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