Always Strange, Never Ordinary!

A lovely sunny day – I am going to make the most of this, I thought.

I caught and tacked up Haakon thinking we could go for a quiet short potter together, just like old times.

I reckoned BeAnne would probably come along for the ride, so to speak, but I never thought Lambie would join us too – yes, that is his little woolly backside running up the track!


But once Lambie puts his little mind to something, he is a tenacious beastie.


Both Lambie and BeAnne know about cars but I was still very wary.  Luckily, Lambie got cold feet (or is that hooves?) once we reached the road and, even though we waited for him, he suddenly turned round and galloped home by himself.

I think we were all rather relieved, to be honest and so we continued just BeAnne, Haakon and me.


We went on our usual route up the hill with BeAnne myopically putting up rabbits – they happily skipped away unharmed as she rarely knew she had done it!


The views, as usual, were breathtakingly beautiful.

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Haakon was in a very amiable mood and we enjoyed ourselves immensely.


BeAnne had her usual skiddoodle through the hill puddles.


I think she wanted to see if she could run along the top of them without getting her feet wet.


Eventually, we wended our way home in the summer sunshine.  Heaven, utter heaven.  For me, it doesn’t get any better than this.


A few chores, and then I treated myself to sitting in a field with my book and the lambs.  They wanted to sit beside me so I took selfies of us!


So like the Kardashians – it is uncanny!


11 thoughts on “Always Strange, Never Ordinary!

  1. Freda

    Ahh it certainly does seem very much like Heaven! Your pet friends are really adorable and great company- lucky you.

  2. Rebecca Final

    Oh Frances..much better looking than the Kardashians, and MUCH more interesting. Such lovely countryside.

  3. Duncan

    Great pictures and story line as usual. You know tho the pictures bring back to mind when I lived in Scotland; Where Are the TREES??

  4. Sam

    Love the LambDog trotting along side BeAnne! Your pictures, once again, made me jealous of your island. It will be in the mid-90’s and very, very humid here in Connecticut. So, thank you for these lovely pictures. And I love, love the selfies.

  5. Linda

    SO much better than the Kardashians! (Leave it to us Americans to come up with something like that) 😉


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