Always a pleasure, never a chore

This morning, lying in bed, about to enjoy my first cup of tea, Bjørn, my family’s Icelandic horse trainer and the owner of Bergli Stud, asked me to give him a hand with his ponies.

So, do I lie in bed, say no and just do nothing much all day?  Nope. I leapt out of bed (as apparently you can’t help in pyjamas) and kicked my arse into gear.

Taking my van, because I love driving it, we chatted all morning, with Bjørn telling me when to turn right or left – I would’ve just automatically taken him to Tesco’s or the airport!

First, we had to deliver a stallion back to The Boys Field.  This beautiful little silver dapple stallion, Tactic, is all mouth and trousers – small but bossy – and wow, can he move.


I stood with some of the stallions, making friends and taking photos.  I find the boys much easier than girls.  Black and white – that is how they think.

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Afterwards, it was off to Burra (an island connected to Shetland “mainland” by bridges).)

Here, we were putting more water out as all the regular streams have run dry.  We have had no real rainfall for a month and everywhere is rapidly drying up.


All the mares are out with their stallions and watching their communication is very interesting.  I could sit and look at them all day.


This is Cantilena.  She is my replacement Fivla (who is leased out to a family.)  I miss Fivla. She has always been very special and, even better, a good friend but Cantilena is a darling.


So, basically, today has been spent taking photos of someone else’s ponies.  Bergli ponies are very nice to work with.


Always a pleasure – never a chore.

One thought on “Always a pleasure, never a chore

  1. Terri

    I love their manes — probably a reflection of their owner’s talent with hair. Sounds like a perfect day to me!


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