All Move

Waffle and Tiddles were released from their prison today and went back to rejoin the herd at Leradale.  They were very happy.  Lots of galloping and bouncing. It is lovely to see them even only on a film. I will admit I was very worried about their future but they both look absolutely fine.  Daisy has done miracles.

Meanwhile, my today has been better with Mum. We moved her to the promised nursing home and that is a vast improvement in every way.

Floss also went back up to Shetland so we had to leave Ted to himself for a while and he was a very good boy.

I am making a huge fuss of him because there was no “revenge peeing” (he has previous with this).

An exhausting but definitely worth it day. I think we will all sleep well tonight.





7 thoughts on “All Move

  1. Sam

    Such antics among the Minions! So much joy to watch bouncing all about.
    I am glad your Mum is settled in and that Teddy behaved himself. Handling issues with our elders is fraught with worry, fears and tears. You are doing your best and I think your Mum knows that. Give Teddy a cuddle for me and know you have a small army of people rooting for you. Little Miss Maine Coon sends throaty purrs.

  2. darby callahan

    so glad to hear things are better on all fronts. Tiddles and Waffle look wonderful and so full of happiness at being back with their friends. Hope all continues to go well.

  3. Judith Garbutt

    Please thank Daisy for such a lovely cheering film of happy ponies! I hope the nursing home turns out to be a good move for your mum and that you might be able to relax a little. xx

  4. diane in northern wis

    So glad to hear that the day went better than you might have been anticipating? Hoping things continue to go well for your dear Mum. Take good care, Frances.


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