A Spot of Shopping

I went into town today to meet up with another cousin for lunch in Chinatown.  As I used to live in London for 15 years (1981 – 1996), I mostly know my way around.  More people, yes, but the buildings have remained the same.

Chinatown was very colourful and vibrant. It got busier over the day.


We looked at all the restaurants, which have taken to having their menus with pictures outside, and chose an old favourite, the Wong Kei. I used to go there a lot when I was nursing a few streets away.  Nothing much had changed. They were suitably rude, the food was adequate and they asked us to pay and leave!  My cousin thought it was all hilarious, including their attitude.  I was rather hoping they had got better over the years. Obviously not.

After a lunch, feeling rather full, I showed her around a Chinese supermarket which is a superb Aladdin’s cave of food and drink.

Onward, ever onward to Liberty, possibly my most favourite shop in the world. It is elegant and perfect.

And full of “lovely things”. I was drooling at their silk scarves, perfume and material. We had a splendid wander about just soaking up the whole experience.

My life in London could not more different from my life in Shetland.  I enjoy both worlds very much but tomorrow I will attempt to come home, battling through Storm Babette. Wish me luck!

7 thoughts on “A Spot of Shopping

  1. M in NC

    Frances: thank you so much for a tour through your vacation/holiday/reunion. It has been most enlightening. Personally, if the weather is that bad … I would travel to a safe point and wait the storm out.
    I wonder if Babette is one of the Atlantic Tropical systems that plowed through Canada and then made its way East to the UK? All the weather fronts on the east coast of the US have been pushing them up to New England, then Nova Scotia/Newfoundland. We get strong rip currents, sometimes a brush of rain at the coast. No major rain inland.

    Looking forward to home reunion pictures.
    Does Monster pretend he does not know who you are?
    M in NC

  2. Dee Hinson

    Oh my….that is all EXACTLY what I plan to do , hopefully next spring ! Although I never actually went to a restaurant in Chinatown, I loved browsing through the supermarkets there . Another treat was Berwick Street market -oh oh oh the goodies I picked up there one Christmas Eve…!!

  3. darby callahan

    It’s so interesting seeing this other part of your life. I really enjoyed the museum visit.
    Safe trevels.

  4. Cathy

    Oh yes! I remember Wong Kei. I always thought the level of rudeness increased as you went up to the next floor. I also worked close to Soho and we had some memorable department outings to the unforgettably named Lee Ho Fook . If you booked a special group meal, the courses just kept on coming !

    Lovely shots of the interior of Liberty’s too. As a student I could never afford much except in their sales but loved walking round the various floors.

    Hope you get home safely and find the storm has passed without too much damage.


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