A Rare Calm Day

A lovely calm day.  Everyone was out enjoying the sun and total lack of wind – a rare event this time of year.

Floss and I drove to Leradale for the daily check where we found the ladies taking a siesta.

Floss topped up the water buckets while I fed and checked the Icelandics.  Their field, although perfect, does not have a consistent running water supply and I worry.  So we have two buckets of water extra just in case because you never know and I have a thing about water being available all the time everywhere to everyone.

Anywho, once I had got over my water hysteria, we went to visit the MInions and have a little sit with them.

There really is nothing nicer than sitting on a bum-numbingly cold rock chatting to little Shetland ponies.

Tiddles kept his distance but at the same time managing to look mysterious…..

…. as well as rather splendid on the Shetland hill skyline.

In that heap of ponies is Flossie being loved/mauled.

Waffle is very taken with Lilja at the moment.  He tells he is her Handsome Prince.  She is less convinced but likes being near her Minion friends.

Fivla and Vitamin consistently hang around the gate so that they can frighten and bore Hetja and Brá with endless stories of pregnancies-they-have-known. 

So that’s everyone.  All happy, eating and enjoying their winter quarters.

2 thoughts on “A Rare Calm Day

  1. Terri

    Wow! Your first photo nearly blinded me with the light. Chickens in the sunshine in Shetland, the day after winter solstice? Siestas in the sun? Sitting on a cold rock chatting with friends? Telling pregnancy stories over the fence? Being loved/mauled by ponies? Life is good….


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