This is who greeted Flossie and me in the morning – the three horses – well, that would be the one gelding and two mares – of the Apocalypse.
The Apocalypse being on its way if they didn’t get their buckets IMMEDIATELY! So, no pressure then.
(Sadly, I had set my new camera to wtf-settings so the rest of the photos were crud – live and learn is the mot du jour today. Note-to-self, I must, I must watch Chapter IV but I have to have my head screwed on with my brain in gear and at the moment, that seems an impossible task).
Anywho, these are from yesterday when I was sitting with the sheeple telling them they were still beautiful even without their wool.
Taktur arrived….
But in a very handsome way, though.
He’s looking good now for the time of year.
Still, he’s always pretty against the skyline!
Fear the Wrath if the Buckets be late!
Taktur is a grand looking gent no matter the setting.
Good luck with the new technology on the camera.
Black and white photos are always the best they can convey mood s better than colored ones in my opinion
Taktur looks too regal — must be the B&W, for sure. I am of an age to enjoy that format because of the challenge of contrast. Well done!