A day on my own

OH went to the Big L (Lerwick) for some messages as we are down to just 3 leeks in the fridge. So, I had the day to myself. 


Each day I assess what I can and can’t do, and then try to aim for achieving something.  


Riding has taken a back seat now (it hurts more than it is fun) but I wanted to walk the dogs, feed Taktur as well as dishing out the daily carrots.


The ponies were easy enough.  Taktur comes when he is called and everyone was charming.

The equine dentist has been rescheduled to come again tomorrow morning – his flight didn’t get in due to bad weather.  Everything is ready, again.


I walked the dogs and they checked their (p)emails and had a happy time

The hill was glorious.

 I hobbled slowly until I saw the showers coming in from the sea


and then I turned round and Jack shot off home like a deaf homing pigeon!


We met Wussums on our travels too so that was the whole family out and about.


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