A day of firsts for Efstur

This morning, Daisy asked me to give her a hand with Efstur and his training. I was really there to ensure that nothing awful happened.

First Efstur’s had his first bridle and bit in.

There was much carroty reassurance and once  had Efstur worked out that his life was not over and he could actually eat with this metal thing in his mouth, he cheered up considerably.

Daisy took him for a little walk too to prove that apparently (a little known fact) a horse can walk and wear a bit at the same time.

He did a few laps chewing and thinking with more chewing.

So much to think about.

Then she took it off and put it back again on once more.

All fine and Efstur got his reward carrot piece.

He loves his Daisy so he believed every word she said, like what a good and clever boy he was and how this was the beginning of fun times together.

He stuck his tongue out!

And then Daisy sat on Efstur’s back (bareback).  It was a day of firsts for this little ginger ninja. It seemed the right time and all he did was look round at her feet being in a different place than usual while I reassured and fed him carrots.  So this little boy is now bitted and lightly backed. I didn’t take photos of Daisy sitting astride Efstur because I was holding the rope while shovelling carrots in.

A good day.

8 thoughts on “A day of firsts for Efstur

  1. Celeste

    Wonderful! How exciting and what a good boy he is! In this time of uncertainty we who live with animals have the very best comfort of all. And if we don’t have furry friends at hand, we can all enjoy your stories and photos. After all, nothing has changed in their world.

    Sending warm wishes for Be Anne’s continued improvement.

  2. Suzanne Kelly

    Just so sweet! Exactly the thing for these interesting times we’re in. Thank goodness for carrots

  3. Amy

    A glimpse into this training is so beautiful. I’m falling in love with Icelandic’s through your blog. What exquisite creatures! And the relationships you all have with them are just as beautiful.

  4. Margaret Robinson

    A day of “firsts” for sure and the little guy did brilliantly. It goes without saying that you and Daisy did quite well too!

  5. darby callahan

    What a good boy. lovely to see. for some reason there were almost no carrots in the store when I went to get them for my horses. I was prepared for no toilet paper. the shelves were bare, but carrots? I did manage to spot a couple of small bunches with the tops on which of course I bought. Thank God there were apples!

  6. diane in northern wis

    Great job Efstur……you’re looking good! Great job Daisy and Frances too.
    So fun to come and read your always interesting blog! thank you!


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