A Bollocking

I got a bollocking.  I think I deserved it, if I am honest.

Basically, my friend said stop doing anything.   Not even lifting a kettle.  Really nothing.  I have read her wise words and taken on board all that she wrote. She is right, though I am terrified I have now done more damage by not really listening before and doing stuff that I perhaps shouldn’t have in the past few days since I got home.

So for the next four weeks, nothing.  Zip diddly squat.  Poor OH is going to have to step up to the plate and take over, even the cooking.  Tonight is baked tatties.

Jo came over to feed Taktur for me and take away the trailer.  She brought Snati and Beeble and stayed for a cuppa.  BeAnne had great fun with Snati.  This film is worth watching with the volume on.

Romeo and Juliette

Since my return, I have been sent some very generous presents.  These arrived this morning.


The biscuits were accompanied by a lovely note too, except it mentioned something to do with sharing, which I tried to ignore, but, look, look, I am sharing (grudgingly).


Real handmade chocolate digestive biscuits that taste beyond wonderful.  The best kind of surprise and totally unexpected too.


They were made by my friends at The Handmade Dog Biscuit Company.  BeAnne and Beeble feature on the front page of their website.  I highly recommend this company and there is nothing any of my dogs won’t do for their products.   BeAnne can be a fussy little madam too.  We have used them successfully in that elusive search for terrier obedience!


But the rest of these choccie digestive biccies are mine, all mine, I tell you, although OH and Jo have had a couple each due to the Sharing Clause in the enclosed note. grumble, grumble. I hope they go into production with them, hint, hint.  They were amazing.


Another gift to arrive yesterday was some Hungarian chocolate (different!) accompanied by a beautiful handmade keyfob.  This was from my friends at Bespoke Browbands.


Karin spent many hours sourcing the semi-precious stones.  She wanted them to act as a back pain healing crystal mix and peridot (the green one) is my birthstone too.  So this is very special to me and I love it.


My friends from all over the world have been a huge source of help, inspiration and support in a variety of ways.


I don’t grudge the bollocking at all.  As I said, I needed to hear it.  I shan’t even use my big camera – so I apologise for the standard of photo in the future and you will be lucky if you ever see a horse or pony again, though I am going to use the time to go through approximately 10,000 photos on my laptop that need sorting,  I might find a pony or two in them that I might show you.


5 thoughts on “A Bollocking

  1. Karen

    You take care of that back it is a vital part of your anatomy. I have problems with mine but nothing as severe and have spent a fair amount of time at osteopaths (hanging upside down like a fruit bat) and in physiotherapy too when I nearly lost the use of my foot due to pressure on the sciatic nerve. I am not good at sitting still either (and even less good at being told what to do) so I can empathise to some degree but in the end you want to be able to get back on those horses don’t you 😉 Take care and enjoy those yummy sounding treats.

  2. alibobbles

    glad someone has talked sense into you. i couldn’t believe it when i saw you posting about what you were doing post op, very little point having anything done if you go and disregard the healing period after. rest up, pootle around and take it easy. x

  3. Sally

    Glad the biscuits arrived safely, Frances. In case anyone is confused, I didn’t send Frances dog biscuits as a get well pressie! The chocolate digestives are strictly for humans.

    1. Frances Post author

      Are you going to make the choccie digestives for real human consumption and for sale? Because I think you should. They are probably the most delicious biccie I have ever eaten and I have eaten a few!


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