A Bit of Bert

‘Bert has been home for just over a year now.  Happy days. I hated it when he left to live in the scattald with the hill sheep – he left because he fought with little ‘Ster when he arrived.

‘Bert was my second sheep and he found us when I advertised locally looking for another caddie (bottle-fed) lamb to keep Lambie company.

They were instantly best friends.

‘Bert has a little monkey smile – his nickname is ‘Monkey’.

Perhaps not the most forthcoming of the sheeples, but ‘Bert and I have special times together.

He likes to sit on things.  Height is important.

‘Bert’s fleece is moorit (brown) in colour and this year’s was a Grade II in quality.  I gave it to friends who live in Shetland to say thank you for taking me to see the otters in the summer and today, they popped over with this……

A bit of ‘Bert for me to wear!  It has been beautifully spun into yarn, some was dyed and then woven into this lovely scarf.  I am thrilled and most impressed.  I really am.  Look how wonderfully ‘Bert has has been transformed into something so useful and essential.  The wool is soft and warm.  The colours are amazing and varied.  I never noticed that when ‘Bert was wearing his wool.  Apparently there is lots of grey in there.   ‘Bert is beautiful and my friends are very talented.  Thank you very much.  As I type, I am wearing my scarf.

The photos do not do the scarf and the stunning colours justice.

I have really enjoyed writing the blog today – seeing the little boys together when they were little lambs playing makes me smile!  My scarf makes me warm and I have a happy comfy feeling knowing my little monkey is close.

6 thoughts on “A Bit of Bert

  1. Lisa

    Did Lambie have springs in his leg when he was young? He had a great time hopping and playing! Your scarf is beautiful. : )

  2. Linda

    What a lovely tribute to Bert! And what a beautiful scarf you got, handmade from his very own fleece – a real one-of-a-kind gift. Love the photo of him on top of the picnic table – he looks so comfy.
    And what a little scamp Lambie was – all that jumping and hopping was so sweet to see…

  3. Terri

    A beautiful scarf! How wonderful of your friends to make it for you! I laughed out loud while viewing the videos of the two young friends gamboling about — I guess that is the origin of the phrase “jump for joy”!

  4. Louise Stopford

    Enjoyed the videos so much of those two young lambs .. how happy they both were and the photo’s of the two together, so sweet. It’s good that Bert is back in the fold, surely it’s better to be a pampered sheeple at home with your friends than out in the hills. How and when did you “acquire” Ster?


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