When is it the right time? Jack’s story

Jack arrived at our house in 2007 as the result of me looking at DogPages in the wee small hours and convincing the family that we needed to give this poor old soul a place to rest his weary head in his last remaining years (their words).

This was the picture that went with the advert.  He was aged at about 9 years old and had been found wandering the streets of Hereford.


So what arrived on our door was very different dog from that advertised.  Not old and creaky at all.


Jack from Day 1 was a very enthusiastic member of our family.


He mostly played nicely with our other Patterdale terrier, BeAnne, though they could squabble but never any injury (this is a great game).


He always tried his best to be a stalwart and upstanding boy.


His greatest pleasure was hunting bunny rabbits and listening to dry stone dykes (walls) – it was the birds he heard.  He was also a very keen mouser.


I forget how active he was in those days.


There was also a lot of a-buggering off and sending some poor person out to look for him. He spent much time with my neighbours who luckily adored him.


Now seven years on, he has slowed right down.  He sleeps most of the day and but manages to go out on a walk except for very harsh days.  He is blind, senile and almost continent.

The vet said think of 5 things that make him happy…..

1.  8 o’clock breakfast
2.  5 o’clock supper
3.  Thinking about breakfast
4.  Thinking about supper
5.  Open doors

He was off his feet yesterday and we so nearly made The Decision.  Today, he rallied and he enthusiastically (for him) went on a spritely walk.


Dear old Jack-et Potato.

11 thoughts on “When is it the right time? Jack’s story

  1. bigears

    so long as he eats and totters around he is fine, when he stops eating, has that look of it’s all too much, then he isn’t and you know that look. you’ve been there lots of times.

    He is a resilient character – some of my cats were written off so many times and staggered on fairly happily for a few more months or years until they gave me that look.

  2. Dee

    It’s sooo hard. I held on to our last Jack Russell, Flurry,for a long while (You may remember him at the Mews) He was half blind , three legged and had an anal gland tumour.But when he was 16 one winter day the sparkle and smile suddenly went out. And I knew that the time had come.
    He’s burried under our riding ring at the X marker.
    He’s my Best Boy Ever.

  3. Deb Twomey

    My prayers are with you. You have gone through too many changes recently. Don’t feel you have to make any more now.

  4. Esther

    Gwennie my parents terrier was 19 when she went a couple of years ago, she was blind, largely deaf, very pottery & rather incontinent. She spent all day in the garden lying in the sun or in the greenhouse, when autumn came they made the decision as she just wasn’t happy inside & was losing her sparkle. So she went peacefully in the sun in the garden.

  5. Terri

    Dear, dear Jack. He has had many happy years with you and your family. You will know when it’s time. He loves you and trusts you to do The Right Thing. xos
    PS I know, it’s sooooo hard….

  6. Linda

    I feel you have the way of knowing about these things, and I loved this little tribute post about Jack and his favorite things. Really loved. This is kind of how it happened with your other beloved beast Celt. You know and you prepare us too for the inevitable. Blessings on You both..xoxo

  7. Sam

    You have to listen carefully for the quiet “I’m good to leave”. They will tell you this softly but firmly.
    We all know that these delightful and annoying critters fill our hearts. You have done well by Jack(et) Potato. Thank you for sharing him with us.


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