We’re Home!

We came home to a surprise!


Hetja had her foal while no one was noticing.  A beautiful red dun colt foal.


He is utterly perfect and has his grandfather’s (Hugi frá Hafsteinsstöðum) face markings.


Hetja is, like I thought, the most perfect mum.  She adores her little boy and they have been moved to a separate field where they can be together with no hassle from the teenagers.


The night before the colt’s birth, three expert opinions reckoned she was not going to give birth as there was no sign of a good udder and there were some that even wondered if she was in foal at all!


So when OH received a phone call saying there was a foal in the field, there was a certain pause while we decided who it could belong to!


Anyway, this is a lovely colt foal who moves beautifully and has a lovely temperament too.  I can’t wait to meet him properly but will wait for Hetja to introduce him to us when she is ready.


There is so much to write about – the IHSGB 2015 British Championships with our results as well as Daisy’s graduation from St Snotters.


It has been one helluva week and it is great to be back home. BeAnne has sat outside every day in all weathers waiting for us to come home – I missed her desperately.

Lambie and Lambert are huge!

18 thoughts on “We’re Home!

  1. Karen

    Huge congratulations. I have been wondering all week about whether the foal had arrived and also how the eventing graduation were going.

  2. Cate

    Hetja is clearly one of those annoying princess-types who go right back to their pre-baby weight and shape. Like HRH Kate, to name just one. 😉

    Seriously, she is gorgeous and her wee chappie even moreso.

    So glad you’re back—we missed you. Can’t wait to hear the travel tales!

  3. jen breese

    What a great welcome home gift! I really missed your posts and can’t want to hear about your adventures!

  4. Terri

    A perfect homecoming! Beauty abounds! Can’t wait for more photos and news….please hurry up with your unpacking and greeting/snuggling of the large Thordale clan. And thanks to OH for holding the fort!

  5. Rebecca Final

    Heetja is gorgeous and obviously did a great job delivering her baby, who is just beautiful. What a wonderful homecoming surprise.

    I also hate being gone from my furbabies – I understand how you missed BeAnne. Congratulations on your addition. I will look forward to the pics as the baby grows

  6. NDchick1

    Congrats!!! What a handsome little fella and Hetja looks like she’s doing a great job being a mum.

  7. Linda

    Welcome home – and Congratulations. Hetja clearly knew what was going on, and she’s a beautiful mother with a beautiful new boy! (They look so serene in the photos)

  8. darby

    what a beautiful baby! congratulations. was so happy to see you were back, have missed your posts and am waiting to hear of your adventures while away.

  9. Susan

    Welcome back and Congratulations to both Daisy and Hetja, have so missed your posts they always brighten my day


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