Sunrise to Sunset

This is the sunrise this morning at 09.09 (140º SE)

The family were outside doing the daily chores.  Flossie fills the haynets, Richard takes them to the field where Daisy, who is in the field, distributes the silage into piles on the ground out of the mud for the horses and ponies.

Meanwhile, my job is to feed the hens and put all the sheep into their little field.  All except Lambie, who hates eating with the others as they jostle and argue.  He hates being hassled and runs out behind me.  He has his food in his bowl separately.

All the horses had come up to eat their silage ration.

All except for two small Shetland ponies who said they couldn’t get over the burn (stream) despite it being flat calm and low.

Albie and Newt shuffled about making no effort at all so, after an hour of watching them, we relented.

I went down with a haynet of silage.  Daisy shut the adjoining gate to stop the gannets from returning to the field and stealing all the silage.  They had eaten two extra portions anyway.

I walked over the stream and caught Newt, who was the cause of all the bother.

I led him through the burn while Albie followed – it was all very simple, really.

The boys were both very pleased to see the silage.

We gave them three hours on their own to eat it before the gate was opened again for the others to return.

After that we drove to Leradale to feed Delia and distribute a few carrots and parsnips to the others.

The sun was setting (at 15:04, 220º SW) as we drove carefully home.

This is the view at the end of my track.  It was one of those rare but magical Shetland winter days.

7 thoughts on “Sunrise to Sunset

  1. Judith Garbutt

    Lovely picture! Newt obviously thought he was in danger of being swept away. So sweet of Albie to stay with him!

  2. diane in northern wis

    Wow ….beautiful pictures Frances. especially love the ones of the land and the sun and your beautiful animals. Thanks so much for your blog! Love your commentary too!

  3. Terri

    Absolutely beautiful photos! As are all the Advent calendar photos — from whimsical to gorgeous — thanks so much! You have a lot to do in your six-hour days — a labor of love, for certain.
    PS Amusing to see the “snow” fall on the real snowy fields. Brrrr….


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