Everybody’s Beautiful

Yesterday, while everyone ovine was busy gallivanting on the scattald (open hill), Floss and I went to Liradale for a spot of equine maintenance.


First up, were the preggie ladies.

I caught each of them – I now see that when Brá is pregnant, she doesn’t tolerate people much.

(I can relate to this!)

But Brá can’t be allowed to go feral in case there is an emergency and I need to catch her quickly.

So, armed with apples, I offered her a whole one and she held it in her mouth knowing full well that if she ran, she would drop it and lose it to Hetja.  So I caught her.

Apples are obviously the way forward and they were on offer in the Co-Op so I stock-piled!

Floss and I brushed conditioner into manes and tails and I also trimmed their tails.

Next up, were the little ones.

Vitamin had spied the apples!

Fat chance – I kept them on the other side of the fence for distribution later.

We caught everyone, one at a time, and brushed their mane and tails, as well as a trim.

Waffle loved being brushed.  He “helped” a lot to the point of offering to put on his own headcollar!

Even Lyra was caught using the now (patent pending) apple method.

Lyra dropped her apple but it was too late – I had her and, while everyone else was helping me put on her headcollar (they do that),  Silver saw it, and stole it!

Well, an unwanted apple is fair game.

Tiddles has changed.  Tiddles thinks.

Tiddles is loved.

And Tiddles plays with his stick!

So everyone was made beautiful.

I must’ve cut at least 8″ off Fivla’s tail – she was walking on it and it annoyed her.

Just before we left, we distributed the rest of the apples.

Beautiful ponies.  The best of friends.

6 thoughts on “Everybody’s Beautiful

  1. annie vanderven

    eand I complain about combing my Havanese dog!!!! your job is at least 100 times harder!!! love thes cute faces…

  2. Carol E

    That nose-on picture of Vitamin is brilliant! You are an incredible photographer and it is nice to see how they are all doing.

    I do wonder what Lambie was thinking/feeling while he was up on the Scattold. Can sheep have romantic ideals about being wild and free? I should think ‘Bert would have learned that he can maximize his survivability by staying around the house. He’s hardly being put-upon by you lot! If you were dressing him in clown suits and making him jump through hoops, I can see how he’d need to run away and join the un-circus. I suppose he’s in a sort of teenage phase where he wants to hang out with the bully boys.

    The Bay Area has just come through a very wild and wet storm. While there were extensive power outages, and some creeks and rivers are at or above flood stage, so far there doesn’t seem to be a lot of flood damage. I’m relieved: Californians don’t have to deal with much weather and many of us aren’t very smart about it. The investments in flood management may have worked so well that people will soon scorn further investments because they don’t have the direct experience with how devastating water is in large volumes. Still, I’m sure our storm was as nothing compared to your storms!

  3. Louise Stopford

    Gosh you really do have your work cut out for you looking after all those lovely critters! The photo’s are great (love peeking into your way of life and your Shetland). I bet you sleep soundly at night, you must be on the go constantly all day … but it all looks pretty amazing from where I’m standing!! I think it’s wonderful that people like you share your life and your experiences with like-minded people that, like me, perhaps haven’t got the opportunity to ‘live their dream’. You keep the inspiration and ‘The Dream’ going.

  4. Sam

    What a wonderful sentence “Tiddles thinks”. he has come so very far with you. And everyone is rather dashing now.

  5. Linda

    Nothing like Spa Day, and everyone coming out looking just beautiful!
    And it sounds like little Tiddles…sniff, sniff…is growing up.


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