Easily Led

It is raining today.  Not particularly cold but enough to be miserable if you are standing around.  I let The Minions into the school as they tried to roll in their shed which was a disaster waiting to happen.  Waffle has already been cast (stuck) once when I first got him all those months ago.


As I could see they wanted desperately to roll no matter what, I put them in the school where I knew they would be safe….


…. if filthy afterwards.


I let them play for a while to warm up.

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Once they were bored of that, they had a little wander around investigating.

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It was then I discovered a new talent – the picking up of fings!



(so talented, my little Minions).


Having got thoroughly bored of putting everything back, I shooed them outside to eat and play.


I thought they were milling happily around the house, when my OH returned from Lerwick to say he didn’t know I was putting the Minions in with the Big Boys.


Jeesus wept.  I shot outside in a fright.  I had not planned this meeting yet and my Minions could be being beaten to death or worse, beating the Icelandics to death.


Luckily, for once, was very happy to discover my OH was completely wrong.  Everyone had a fence separating them and no no one was beating anyone up.  Even so, I built an emergency fence round their boudoir so that there are now two fences between Taktur and my Minions.  Taktur tends to walk up and down trying to tempt them out of the school playground like a drug dealer selling mis-labelled Tic Tacs!

The Minions would be very easily led by Taktur.  They think he is gorgeous.


4 thoughts on “Easily Led

  1. Cate

    Now that all their baby and winter fluff is gone, it’s clear they’re in great condition, nice rounded contours and smooth coats which would no doubt be shiny on a better day. 😀

  2. bigears

    Taktur tends to walk up and down trying to tempt them out of the school playground like a drug dealer selling mis-labelled Tic Tacs – can’t stop laughing at that…..poor Taktur

  3. Linda

    Ya know…I just read right past that word “roll” and didn’t think much about it until I came upon photos #2 and #3 – thank you for my laugh (out loud) of the day!


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