Everyone came over yesterday and rode the horses in the indoor school. We also had a BBQ in the drizzle well cooked by Ozmerelda the Ozpig and her owner, Jim.
I think there were 11 of us – mostly horse enthusiasts. We used all the Icelandic horses, except Taktur who is still on holiday. It was great to see Daisy flying around…..
She also rode Haakon for me. He is going very well for her and it is lovely to watch them. I can ride again in August and I am counting the days.
Amber rode Meester Bimble, or Iacs.
Daisy set a good example.
Arwen was doing her gymnastic practice on Haakon. He was mostly bemused but cooperated.
Then the leaders all had a shot. Fi rode Fakur first …..
Then Jo played aeroplanes on Fakur to prove he could do this (her reasoning, not mine), while Fi rode Hetja who probably thought we were all bonkers by now!
The main thing is that no one took themselves very seriously and that is the whole point of riding on a drizzly Sunday afternoon, while someone stands outside wearing shorts with a BBQ! A great day. Thanks everyone!