(Apologies for the excessive watermark but needs must when the Devil vomits in your kettle as Edmund Blackadder would say)
Jo has been doing some washing today in preparation. First they had to be soaked in the bath. The cardigans, or ganseys as they are known here, have been to New York and worn by different Shetland ponies. They were returned to us filthy and we are very over-cautious about bio-security too.
Jo will check the ganseys over for any holes too and mending will be done, if required. They were not really designed for walking in and I think they employed two lookey-likey Fivla and Vitamin ponies to do the Tartan Day parade in NY.
Just think, the girls have body-doubles! No comparison. I have just deleted what I truly think of this but if you know me well, you can imagine – sniff.
Our Fivla and Vitamin’s presence has been requested so we are starting the preparation and planning stages. Next week is going to be a busy one for us all. Of course, I shall be ready with my camera. Our first appearance is for the Shetland Summer of Sport, Games for Scotland Programme – Celebrating One year to go to Commonwealth Games Glasgow 2014 at Gilbertson Park on Tuesday, between 17.00 – 19.00
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So we will wash and brush the ladies on Sunday to make them all beautiful, not that they aren’t naturally gorgeous anyway, but a bath never hurt anybody and Fivla’s tail is a bit yellow.
I will keep you posted as we go and who we meet!
Pffft! Those American ponies can’t hold a candle to your hefty, hairy luvvies! 😀
Lovely post Frances your photos are lovely how’s the weather their it’s very hot and humid here in Narford Norfolk
Just curious, are those sweaters knitted by you? Where did you get the pattern?