You Guys!

These two were my morning duty today.  Haakon and Iacs – the cousins (they share the same set of grandparents).

The family resemblance is pretty obvious in both looks and character.  Camster horses are the absolute best.

They are both the same, really.

(though I have always thought Haakon was the prettier of the two with the Limahl highlights in his mane. Iacs’ silly frilly is fine, if you like that sort of thing).

Today, though, Haakon wasn’t trying his charming best.

…. while Iacs was working the camera with his yellow turmeric tache!

Still, they make me laugh and I adore these guys.

8 thoughts on “You Guys!

  1. Julia from California

    I adore them too! Always love Haakon and Iacs content 🙂
    I get a kick out of their furry winter leggies – especially Iacs’!!

  2. Judith Garbutt

    Considering the long and miserable winter and their ages, they’re looking absolutely amazing, Frances!

    1. Frances Post author

      Thank you. That means a lot. I’ve tried so hard to keep weight on, keep weight off, do the right thing…. Tough decisions every day.

  3. Marlane

    The names in the pedigrees are so amazing especially the Long Tooth LOL. I make pedigrees (I am based in the USA now) and you can pretty much recognize the breed of horse from the names.


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