
I have been worrying all day about Iacs.  He is not himself and is spending a lot of time by himself, which is never a good sign.

It is not like him.  He has deliberately taken himself away from the other two or lost them.  He does do that quite a lot.  I think the one brain cell is on a go slow.

When OH mentioned that Iacs was not himself this morning, after giving them their breakfast bucket, I decided we needed to do something. What? I was not sure.  But something.

So I gave Iacs a dose of oral probiotic paste and then talked to Daisy.

I went back and gave Iacs a dose of nuclear wormer too, for good measure.  They are due.

I kept an eye on Iacs all day and am hoping that whatever it is, now isn’t.  I noticed he has now rejoined the group.

Later, I took a carrot over for each of the horses.

The eating, drinking, rifling through my pockets and trying to annoy Kolka is still the same.

So I will continue praying to the Gods that this is just a Bibble-blip.  Please keep everything crossed.

In other news, I left the sheep to their own devices today and things are definitely calmer, though Barrel continues to be a numpty towards Gussie and Dahlia.

Dahlia is intrigued by the hens and ducks.  She keeps cornering  or holding them hostage to find out more about them.

Gus-Gus is enchanting.  We had lovely hugs today.

He’s just so fluffy!

So everything crossed for Iacs, please.  I will go to town tomorrow and get more wormer so I can nuke everyone.  It’s that time of year.

6 thoughts on “Worried

  1. Sam

    I really wish our Elder animals would use a universal translator so we can find out what the issue is. Fingers crossed and paws crossed by Little Miss Maine Coon.

  2. Lucy MacArthur

    Oh Frances, how worrying! Hoping it is just a bibble-blip as you say. All the photo’s are enchanting, as ever.

  3. Kathleen Woolley

    I just love how Dahlia brought her son to you and isn’t he lovely. She knew where he would be looked after and get the best out of life. Sheep are not stupid as a lot of people think they are. Well done, Dahlia. Bibble will be fine I’m sure ……we all have our fingers crossed for lhim ……..

  4. Sherry Walter

    Having elderly critters is just so hard. My pup, Mr. Mac, is pushing 15 and didn’t seem himself today. I’m hoping it’s just the heat – 92*F with a heat rating above 100* and humid and no AC in this house!


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