When you are this cute, you think you can get away with murder…… well, Pepper does anyway.
Her quest for World Domination is endless.
However, Monster has other ideas. For what it’s worth, my money is on Monster.
Meanwhile in Ted World, mostly he and Pepper remain good friends though they had a fight at suppertime. Ted stood his ground and it was totally Pepper’s fault. She tried to get his food while he was just leisurely finishing up cleaning his bowl. He was incensed with her and told her so in no uncertain terms. So being Pepper she fought back and claimed innocence of this huge crime. To split up the fighting, I shouted at them both and then quickly reassured Ted that he was not in trouble and could finish his supper in peace. To be fair, though, it is the first time there has been a spat in ages.
And Ted is very good at making Pepper jealous.
So life in the house is relatively peaceful apart from the two wars that perpetually simmer along in the background!
Hard going from adored puppy of 1 to a partner with an older Ted. And then there is Monster – who brooks no pesky puppy tricks!
Lovely when all three are asleep at the same time!
I have to admit, Pepper is very sweet, even if she is not a Border Collie, and Ted looks VERY Happy living at your home.
Monster has that special quiet power, and I certainly wouldn’t want him angry with me!