
Today is not my best day.  My back is hurting badly and so I am not going to write much but I took these photos yesterday of my darling sheep and I think they are rather nice.

I love how they look with all their wool in amongst the beautiful wild flowers around our croft.  If you could stand next to them, you would get a huge whiff of the surrounding clover (as well as a faint one of pee, if you are next to Lambie – he can’t help it).







Bert and Lambie

Bert and Ster


Bert and Ster




Anyway, I apologise for the short blog. I have taken a painkiller and am swiftly losing the will. Tomorrow is another day and it will surely be better.

7 thoughts on “Whingefest

  1. Sam

    First – sorry the back is acting up. Second- these are WONDERFUL pictures of the sheep.
    Third – is this the longest you have waited to sheer the sheep?

  2. Beth

    I am sorry you are in so much pain.
    It wears one down, bit by bit, a never-ending grind.

    I saw a lovely thing on Instagram this week of someone “rooing” their sheep to naturally take off the fleece, the sheep looked quite relaxed during the process. I am not for one minute suggesting you try it – I think your spine would complain mightily.

  3. Darby Callahan

    I hope you feel better. people often think sheep are all alike and not very smart. as I have said before you have shown me that each one is a distinct individual with their own personalities. they all shine brightly, even, and perhaps especially, Lambie.

  4. Christine Vowles

    Walking on uneven ground can be hard on a person’s back—or maybe it was all that celery flinging :). I hope you feel better soon and can enjoy these few weeks of summer.


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