Why, what is that I think I see?
Is it?
Could it possibly be?
Do my eyes deceive me?
Surely not!
I think it is a beautiful, but rare, Shetland pony waistline!
And I am nervously optimistic we are now on the right track because I have no other options after this. No more fields with less than nothing short of digging up and concreting an entire field for them.
Silver remains, however, work-in-progress.
He is a little chunky but unaffected by laminitis, so far, touch wood, please God, no more.
I’m not going to lie, it has been a long time since I’ve seen a waistline (mine included!)
Well done, Frances! It’s a constant battle.
I’m so glad that your plan to slim down the ponies is working, for the most part! Perhaps Silver is genetically meant to be a bit chunky? I’m not a pony or horse owner, so have a laugh at that last comment! I do see the difference in the others and I hope slimming down is going to stop laminitis occurring. I got a chuckle about the long time not seeing waistlines. I haven’t seen mine in a while too.