Weather Warning Tomorrow

‘Bert is not really eating so I trimmed a whole load of willow trees and threaded them into the gate in the hope that he would like them.

And, phew, he likes willow.  It is all he will eat and luckily we have a lot of willow trees that won’t mind the pruning.

I tell myself that the willow is good for Bert as it is nature’s aspirin.  He eats the bark as well as the leaves and I almost think I can see an improvement in his eyes.  Less gunk and nasty bits.

While it has been a beautiful day, there is a Yellow Weather Warning (rain) declared for tonight and tomorrow for Shetland.  Seeing everyone fast asleep in the sunshine, it is hard to believe that tomorrow we will all be soaked.

My plan is to put rugs on the oldies, including the Icelandics, and Tiddles tonight.  Feed them tons of fibre this evening and then in the morning get everyone indoors when they are fed up and grateful and possibly cooperative.

The shed is ready.  Fresh water in buckets…..

My birthday presents put to use…..

And I’ve even made a small pen for Fivla and Vitamin who struggle a bit with the hay (lack of teeth) and may require extra hard feed.

I am prepared for this.  I have a plan and it will, hopefully, work.

Knowing the big shed will be back in use makes me wonder why I didn’t do this sooner.

Anyway, let us commence with Operation Make Winter Easier (ok, Autumn)!

6 thoughts on “Weather Warning Tomorrow

  1. Beth

    Fingers crossed that ‘Bert continues to improve.

    Your setup in the big shed looks very impressive, organised and efficient. Let us just hope the equines are suitably impressed (and co-operative).

  2. Sam

    Glad Bert is eating your willow and getting better. Keeping fingers and Maine Coon paws crossed. Think of this prep as the Dress Rehearsal for Winter. Try out the lovely new fences now before you truly need them in Winter (may it take it’s sweet time arriving).

  3. Kendra Preston Leonard

    I hope the storm is milder than expected and everyone comes through ok. I’ll be thinking of all of you! I am battening down the hatches here in Houston as Francine forms.


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