Vet Bills Help

Recent miserable events have resulted in some rather large bills, mainly vet bills for Storm and Newt.  It will not be cheap, I know that much.

So I have decided to make some very special Lambies adhering vaguely to his original markings.

Lambie is my special fleckit (white with large black spots) Shetland sheep.

(old photos so you can see his markings. No one is this clean now)

I don’t normally make Lambie as they are much more work trying to get those spots in the “right” place.  But I made these guys and I would like to sell them to help towards Storm and Newt’s vet’s bills.  If anyone would like to buy one, please contact me at


Adults – £25 each (or a donation) plus postage at cost
Lambs (little one with no legs) is £15 (or a donation) plus postage at cost.

Each sheep is handmade from pure Shetland wool and, like Lambie, is an individual work of art!


Oh, and I made a Newt type lamb too!

Anyway, update on Newt – he spent the day looking at me and not eating so I spent my day popping outside to see if he had his head down and was munching.  Later, when I took Tiddles into the shed for the night, Newt designated himself Tiddles’ BFF/stable buddy and took off lickety-split into the shed without a head collar to find his bucket!

10 thoughts on “Vet Bills Help

  1. Molly Gloss

    Frances, the “contact me” link is not working. Google says it is an invalid address. I would like to buy one of the Lambie sheep if it can reach me by Christmas? . I am in the US (woe is me). Please advise!
    I don’t usually comment on your posts so you perhaps don’t realize—that there are at least a dozen of your fans here in Oregon. We adore your posts, avidly read every single day as soon as they come into our inboxes, and we mourn with you over loss and worries. Every person I have persuaded to “try” you has become part of your fan club, so the club continues to grow. Sending love at this difficult time, Molly

  2. Beth

    Is the “deftaylor1” PayPal account/email address that you mention at the bottom of the Minions page still valid for a straight donation?

    I do not need a Lambie but I’d love to make a straight donation to thank you for the pleasure you give me with your wonderful blog posts. xx

  3. Sue Sawade

    I also get a lot of pleasure from your blog and pictures and share your worries and losses. Look for a PayPal donation from me to remember Storm and help with Newt’s care. xx Sue S in California


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