Leradale consists of two fields – the nice green bit around the derelict house (I promise you it was green once) and the fenced in hill over on the other side of the wire fence that runs down the middle. Usually the Minions spend their winter in the hill park but we opened it all up so they could live together when we weaned Sóley-the-Foalie.
Yesterday, they were mostly living in opposite fields.
It was a calm afternoon so I accompanied Floss down to see the chaps.
Tiddles looking so very gorgeous.
Waffle – as wide as he is not very tall
“What do you mean wide?”
Sóley-the-Foalie and Lilja were together and actually Vitamin was nearby too, which was good to see. They are integrating.
Everyone was given their daily carrot.
And Fivla had her daily dose of TurmerAid which she loves. It has helped her hugely this winter.
She even whiffles when she sees Flossie and knows the bowl is especially for her.
Leradale is a big enough croft so that everyone can have the space they want.
Or not, if you’re Newt who is still determined to come home with me.
Though Albie might miss his best friend.
The boys (ie Storm) had a thorough search of Floss’ pocketses. She was thoroughly frisked before leaving the field.
They are such funny little ponios and seldom fail to make me smile. Good therapy.
You said it – they’re such good therapy (I actually think most animals are good therapy in one way or another).
Looks like Soley is coming along with the weaning?
I have a large back garden which could accommodate Newt, I can take him off your hands, for a small fee !
small fee? he is in the post as we speak!
I’ll clear out my shed !
Thanks for all the great pictures Frances. It’s so fun to see your daily goings on and the darling faces of your critters. Soley and Lilja are surely beautiful horses aren’t they? I love seeing them all….every one!
Frances I always enjoy your posts, but these photos are just sooo endearing! In these even more troubled than usual times, it is pleasing to know these beautiful ponies are so happy- and that you are too.
They always make me smile too. Thank you, right now I need all the smiles I can get.