Ultima Canis in my shed

Many dogs of all kinds came with their owners to visit and look at my indoor school with a view to using it for a dog club.  I can’t remember what they were.  I think we had a border terrier (who was delicious), a labbidog, a Shih Tzu, a Shih Tzu cross, a billion GSD’s and wire-haired pointers but I could be wrong!


There must have been about 15 dogs in the shed. My OH stood on the top of the loo not because he was scared but because he was looking for some wooden poles for equipment.


This is the Committee, I think I am right in saying, of Ultima Canis, Shetland’s newest dog club.


I can hear the barking from my bedroom and that is a good way away!


Anyway, for 15 dogs most of whom have never met each other before, they all behaved beautifully.  Not a fight, not an argument or exchange of views.  They just raced around sniffing and getting to know each other.


That is fairly impressive in my opinion.


This dog club’s aims are to, I think, teach dog handling, dog agility, ringcraft and other stuff you can do with dogs that I don’t know about.


Today, I think they were just getting to know each other, see the shed and look at its potential.


I hope they like it. I want my indoor school to be used. It sits empty far too much and if folk want to use it for things like this, then all to the good. I offer its use to anyone, mostly those with horses, but no one is ever interested.


All the dogs were very excited so lots of poo-picking and I hope they enjoyed themselves.  BeAnne will not be joining the “pack”. I think it is too much for her and, after she was thoroughly beaten up by a very badly behaved GSD as a puppy, she has a horror of them and would find this far too much (she is sitting on my bed, though, with ears pricked listening).


I didn’t stay long.  My back is not up to even opening the shed door, so I took a few photos, totally ignored a friend of mine because I didn’t recognise him (my bad and I do apologise, Gary!) and back to my bed again.  The weather on one side looks like this.


And on the other, like this.  I bet the Club are glad they are all indoors when that starts falling out of the sky!  So good luck to Ultima Canis and enjoy the space.


A small part of me wonders what they would do about this new member!


3 thoughts on “Ultima Canis in my shed

  1. Gillian Ramsay (Chair Ulima canis Dog training)

    thank you so much for today Frances! It really helped us get a feel for the place, and an excuse for the mutts to play together-socialising with ‘ unken ‘ dogs is as important as anything we can teach them. And no-one ate your chickens..sigh of relief…that would have been just too embarassing! Cannot wait to get started…

  2. Gillian Ramsay (Chair Ulima canis Dog training)

    our website-currently under construction but will be available shortly!


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