Town Visit

Off to town this morning after my weekly conversation with our local friendly BT engineer, who we are now almost on first-name terms.  To be fair, they are trying very hard to solve the problem but all eyes are now looking at the electric fence, which apparently could be the cause of the bother.  I tried to explain that the fence was vital to the survival of my ponies and we had to find a way around this somehow.

Anywho, I grabbed the van keys, put Pepper back in the house, started the van up, put Pepper back in the house and drove off, putting Pepper back in the house before I left.

It was a lovely quiet day, which is what I was feeling like.


The shops are now revving up for Wool Week 2023, which begins on Saturday 23rd September.

I popped into Jamieson’s Knitwear with an embarrassingly small selection of Sheeple.

Stock has been wiped out by the cruise ship visitors and I am struggling to keep up. Apparently someone bought 3 this morning.

Note-to-self, I must get a new printed sign for my field. Its looking a little tattie.

Lunch (crab sticks and chips – no one can afford fish anymore) and I went to the Feed Merchant to buy supplies and sell a kidney.  The money comes in (from the sheeple) and, like magic, it vanishes without touching the sides of my purse.  Still, the Minions ingratitude is worth it.

4 thoughts on “Town Visit

  1. Alexa Berenbak

    I LOVE your posts and especially those of your four legged babies and what they are up to. It always brings a smile to my face. Wish I could visit your town, when the cruise ships are not visiting that is. Please have a wonderful day!


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