Top of the Hill

This was Christmas Eve morning.

We were at Leradale looking for the ponies so we could feed Delia and move everyone afterwards up the hill to find better grazing.

Only they were already at the top of the hill.  Well, someone was.

So, first things first – we went and said hello to Dreki and his sister, Lilja.

A quick chat.

And then goodbye.  Dreki would have come too while Lilja stayed back.

To reach the Shetland ponies, we had to drive round to another gate.  It was a nice drive.  The view from the car window was nice.

Fat seals and their young were lying on the rocks enjoying the rare winter sun .

We went the long way round and turned off the road to drive up an access track to the field gate at the top.

We found our ponies.

They had been waiting for us.  On the other side of the car in the sheep field opposite someone had put out a silage bale.

I think this is what attracted the ponies up to the top of the hill.

While Daisy was guarding Delia’s food for her, I took some photos of the wonderful view.  It was like being at the top of the world (but without all the effort of getting there).

There was a good view of the prehistoric building sites on the croft.  Note the round house on the left.

Once finished, carrots were dished out, noseys were kissed and we said our goodbyes.

I am glad the ponies are going up to the top on their own.

And no, they can’t come home with us despite those pathetic begging eyes (Tiddles).

5 thoughts on “Top of the Hill

  1. Patricia Shaffner

    Thanks for sharing life in your part of the world. I look forward to each post. I hope you and yours have a wonderful and Happy New Year.

  2. Diane

    I love your post. The ponies are so cute and the sheep are adorable and the scenic pictures are great. The dreary ones are also because they are beautiful compared to what I see out my window.


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