Tolt in Harmony

After a splendid dinner the night before, we all arrived bright and early at the yard for the next day’s entertainment – the competition!

(perhaps a bit too early for some!)

There was going to be none of this jumping lark!

We are not that kind of horse.  They are, we aren’t.  Well, not today, anyway.

Everyone got their horses ready.

It was still raining on and off, so we kept the saddle dry with a rainsheet.

The school had now been set out with cones and poles to define the riding area for tölt-in-harmony.  There were even flags (sort of).

The judge gave those that wanted a chance to come in and let their horses see the new set-up.  Klængur hates change so this really helped and he quickly settled down.

Those that weren’t riding, waited outside and no, none of the horses spooked at the huge tractor with the massive bale of hay coming up behind them.

Everyone was smart and as clean as they could manage.

Scotland is wet.  There was mud everywhere, but somehow we managed.

The judge was ready.

I positioned myself upstairs in the viewing gallery, grabbed my camera and off I clicked while everyone rode the same course in tölt and preferably in harmony.


More tomorrow.


5 thoughts on “Tolt in Harmony

  1. Terri

    Regardless of the finale, Daisy and Flossie look well-prepared, and their horses look great.
    Just returned from the Pendleton Round Up (in Oregon). How different Western riding is from English! And the Indian relay racing (bareback!) around the huge track was outright thrilling.
    Looking forward to your post tomorrow…the suspense is building!


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