To the Hilly Bit

While feeding this lot…..

Well, actually not this one…

Or this one….

definitely not this one…..

Nope, not him either.

Just Fivla and Vitamin – the old ladies – as per usual.

And snouts out, Newt!

Anywho, I decided that the herd/flock/parliament/whatever needed to get out more in the field, so I put a headcollar on Storm and took him for a walk, with the dogs, while the others watched on from afar.

I thought they would follow…. they did not.

But Storm enjoyed his walk around the field.

He is a great walking companion.  A lovely little chap.  Just trots happily behind me, occasionally stopping to look at the view.

When it became very clear that absolutely no one else was going to take the lead and come too, I let Storm go.

And, after some thought, he rejoined his friends.

The Sloth Brigade, as they are now known and they can rot on that rock, for all I care. I tried. I honestly did.


So, waving my now-empty headcollar, Itold them to all go and get a job!

I left them all eating far, far away up the hill.  Mission accomplished, though it took some effort on my part.

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