To the Beach

We were fog-bound this morning so we all decided to take the dogs for a walk on our local sandy beach.  A change from the usual plod around our fields.

We were the only ones there. We had the beach to ourselves.  Wonderful.

The dogs loved it.  They had such fun and that was good to watch.

They even did as they were told!   Who knew?

Lots of adventuring.

I rescued the crab and made sure it went back into the water.

And then we drove back home into the fog again.

6 thoughts on “To the Beach

  1. Colleen McNamara

    Oh such lovely pictures. Being in the desert ( alot of beach but no/little water) I love these pics and all the neat things you find. sea urchin, crab (thanks for saving him) . Someday on my bucket list is a visit to your world. My hubby is worried that I will bring back tons of those smooth, beautiful shore pebbles !!
    We may get to open the irrigation valves today. The ducks and geese will be in heaven splashing and zooming around in the puddles in the pasture. Fingers crossed.
    Take care. Warmest wishes,

  2. Jacqueline

    Loving the colours in your photos today. I’m off to dye spun wool this morning and will use a couple as inspiration , thanks. Have a happy Eurovision.


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