To Clothie

Yesterday, OH made the valid point that the horses and ponies should be in the furthest away fields for autumn as it would be easier for us when it was truly winter when they could then be nearer home.

Don’t tell him, but I think he was right.  His idea made good sense.

So I spent my morning cleaning out water troughs and transporting water over to the Ancients’ new field – Clothie.  The one that is a bit of a walk across the open hill.

And then we led them over.  The horses all know this field well and it hasn’t been touched for ages.  Lots of grass to be eaten down.

The Minions will go onto a hill field at another croft when I think the autumn flush is over.  It is still a bit warm and the grass is growing.

Question: Why do I take water over to the field when there are ditches full of the stuff?
Answer: Because Haakon really struggles to drink/bend lower than his hooves and so stops drinking and gets colic.  It has happened before.

Today I went to Lerwick to collect my rubber mats and drop off some sheep at Jamieson’s ready for the Wool Week rush.

Town was busy and there was nowhere easy to park so I did the bare minimum and got out quick.

Once home, I went over to Clothie to check everyone was eating and drinking fine.  After the hustle and bustle of town, I needed some peace so I sat on a “comfortable” rock near the horses.

It really was just what I needed, apart from the munching. There was lots of munching and Iacs was farting. 💨💣

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