The Three Amigos

The coughing has reduced significantly.  Phew.  As has the diarrhoea. Another phew, in more than one way.

They seem happier.

And, yes, it is a small area of grotty field, but it must be better than the stable.

I am poo-picking daily and they get soaked hay they can ignore and fresh water.

So the boys muddle about.  They pick on Albie. I said this was not on.

Not cricket.

Tiddles is the worst and I am disappointed. I’m not going to lie.

This afternoon I sat on the fish box and they all came up for a cuddle.

And I tried to explain that I was doing this for their own good.

So they all said, to a pony, that they did not believe me and I was just one nasty horrid owner of poor abused and possibly starved Shetland ponies.

Jog on, boys, jog on!

2 thoughts on “The Three Amigos

  1. Sam

    Glad the coughing and runny poo has eased up. Sorry the 3 are mad about the field and not being allowed to pick on Albie. Muzzah knows best. Sounds like an early G&T is called for.

  2. diane in northern wis

    Well……I don’t know why they don’t believe you. You sound so convincing! I think they may need an attitude adjustment.


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