I totally forgot to take my camera with me today. Sorry. Today, of course, was absolutely stunning – calm, if freezing – the feeling in my toes is just beginning to return now.
Anyway, we went over to Sandness and constructed a good shelter for some young Shetland pony mares. Moved 5 Shetland ponies (not mine) into the new field and added young Lyra to the mix.
It will do Lyra good to live in a herd of girls her own age. She was getting very bratty (Daisy – sort it, please).
The old ladies came home to me. Ok, I have not got long green grass for them but I have got an empty shed they can use when the weather is coarse and I can stop worrying quite so much about Delia.
Once the Delia and Vitamin know there is shelter available, I will open up the field so they can go into the next 20 acres and hopefully find something to eat.
I will also feed Delia daily special putting-on-weight food while fighting Vitamin off it. She needs WeightWatchers!
It is all very complicated at Thordale – but hopefully we will muddle through. The only real rule is that Taktur cannot meet the girls, any of them. He is two fields away and can gaze hopefully but nothing else. Needs must I will turn his electric fence ON!