The little ones, the Shetland ponies, mostly group together leaving the bigger boys, the Icelandic horses, to themselves.
Albie is looked after by everyone, but mostly all the older mares in the herd mother him. They stand over him when he sleeps.
Tor has been wonderful since Camus left. We adore her. She can stay for as long as she wants.
Secretly, and when no one is watching, Daisy gives her a handful of Albie’s hard feed. She loves that and positions herself in a “I just happen to be by the fence” sort of way! A wise little mare who knows the score. I wish she could stay forever, just for Albie.
Whenever Albie sees me, or anyone actually, he comes over. Sometimes bouncing, sometimes walking but he appears, with enthusiasm and his rug a-flapping like a smiley navy blue Batman.
Albie has filled our lives. We adore him.
He is resourceful, determined and an altogether very nice little chap with beautiful manners. He leads perfectly, never bites or kicks and loves a nose kissey. My kinda guy.
I was told that orphan Shetland pony foals are a pain in the arse to keep, but bringing up Albie has been nothing but love and fun.
He has adapted totally to his situation and lacks for nothing.
Well adjusted and definitely one of the herd and not “Mummy’s boy”.
The herd collectively look after him and I love them for that (I may have had gin, *** sniff ***).
I was determined Albie would not rely on us and things, for once, worked out fine.
At the moment, winter is upon us and when needed, Albie’s little rug goes on because he is not as waterproof as I would like.
He also has some very dodgy friends.
*** ahem *** cough *** very dodgy!
Great to see happy ponies. 🙂
Oh, sweet little Albie – a real trooper! And the darling of the mares… 😉
So wonderful to see the whole herd taking care of Albie. Giving a treat to Tor is to be expected. And one should always have a few dodgy friends about to keep things interesting.