The Lambie Saga

Misery, thy middle name is Lambie. It really is.

This is my poor not-so-little lad yesterday evening.  He came into my shed while I was making a sheeple using his wool from the batt I carded for the outside.

Lambie was cold and unhappy so I draped a blanket over him so he could show me just how miserable he was.

He wouldn’t chew cud and he just stood with his head on the floor.  ‘Bert was looking for him and kept banging on the door to get him.  I pushed Lambie out once and watched ‘Bert go for him, chasing and butting him round and round so I opened my shed door again and Lambie raced back in.  This was not good.

When I was going back to the house for the night, I put Lambie in a small overgrown ex-veg-garden and opened up the garden shed (his original house with wifi) and left him to it for the night.  He instantly started eating and relaxing so I think he hadn’t eaten all day worrying about being constantly hassled and was subsequently very hungry.  My poor boy. I hate seeing him like this – all clingy and depressed.

This morning, I gritted my teeth and took a meagre bucket of breakfast mixed with lots of TurmerAid (turmeric pellets) in the hope that it might help, ie just take the edge off everyone.  Lambie was limping too.

After breakfast and a nervous start, they settled down.

They have come in tonight because it is pouring with rain.  I filled up haynets and left them in together in their shed drying off.  No one is being pushed out and chased.  So let’s pray that’s the end of that because I worrry and even looked at the sleeping bags last night wondering whether I should sleep in Lambie’s shed with him to keep him company.


11 thoughts on “The Lambie Saga

  1. Elva

    I am surprised by this behavior. My small flock of nine ewes never act like this after they have been sheared. They do not like the procedure and are happy when it is done, but then they just jump up and get back to eating, business as usual. As I had mentioned earlier, they are more active without their fleeces and run around more, but they do not act grumpy or depressed. In fact, they act very happy. Wonder if it is the breed. Mine are Tunis/North Country Cheviot crosses. Anyway, glad your boys seem to now be settling down.

    1. Frances Post author

      Maybe it’s a Shetland sheep thing. I don’t know. They have settled but Lambie is still wanting indoors in the evening while I work making felted sheep. He listens to my music and I sing to him (!)

  2. darby callahan

    so distressed to see that dear Lambie is still feeling so miserable. fingers and healing thoughts that soon he will be flashing his happy, winning smile again.

  3. Linda Kirk

    Poor soul, he looks so unhappy and probably wondering why he is being picked on. That would certainly make him feel very vulnerable.

  4. diane in northern wis

    Oh dear….I love your Lambie….so sorry for what he has been going through. You sure are a thoughtful momma….trying to think of everything possible to help the situation. Bless your heart. Praying that things will be back to a calm normal very soon!

    1. Frances Post author

      I honestly don’t think so. My theory is that it is cold and wet and he has arthritis. I will up the turmeraid.


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