The Creation

I drove Mum to the Sacred Temple of Marks & Spencers.  We trawled around looking at everything and even bought a few things.   This shop used to be one of my regular haunts when I had a “proper job”.  A Middle Class heaven but I don’t miss that life.


Home, lunch and on with our needle-felting. I made another sheep for the collection – the one in the middle was today’s efforts.

Meanwhile Mum (now on Day 2) was creating her Shetland pony.  She’s says if she is learning something new, she will always make a horse or pony so rather like me and sheep then.

Here is the finished pony.  It is amazing but even Mum would say it was a lot of work.  Incredible for a first attempt and I think she enjoyed making it.  It took longer than she anticipated, though.

Outside it it has been almost constantly raining which is good for the beautiful garden.

The huge catalpa tree in the middle is now dropping its flowers.  It looks like the aisle of a church at a wedding.

Here is the obligatory photo of Teddy who has been unimpressed with the felting. When we go out we have to hide everything from him as he is convinced we are just making wonderful toys for him to play with.  Imagine two days of hard graft reduced to its component parts by the dog! I would weep.  Off to hide the pony NOW!

3 thoughts on “The Creation

  1. Sam

    Teddy is merely doing Q.C. on the work. Love your mom’s pony – looks rather like a Minion or two in attitude.

  2. Marlane

    The sheep and the pony are awesome. I think part of the attraction is how on earth do you create them, it is magic !!


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