Thank you for your kind words of love, support and sympathy. They are appreciated.
There’s not much to say really, but our usual day. The weather is unhelpful (cold, with occasional vicious rain showers) and certainly not ideal for riding in. I didn’t feel like it much, either so I turned the central heating back on instead.
The Minions were bickering so afterwards, I went to talk to my oldest and dearest friend – Haakon. We know each other very well.
While I sat on the ground with him, taking photos, Klængur loomed over me too.
Monster is missing his friend more than words and has taken to sleeping on her blanket(s). He is very subdued.
I just feel empty, lonely and tired.
I know what it’s like and my heart aches for you.
As my vet would say “be gentle and kind to yourself right now” Hugs from Connecticut, USA.
So sorry for the loss of your companion. Losing a pet/family member is the hardest thing…
Shepherding our beloved pets through their golden years to the end is so hard to do but so important to caring for and loving them. I’m so sorry BeAnne’s gone and I hope the pain will ease with time and you are able to just remember the goofy, funny, and cuddly times you shared together.
They always steal a piece of our heart when they go . Just take each day as it comes xx
Dear Francis, I do know how you feel, I have been there so many times, but there is always one that is that bit more special. ❤️
Big hugs Frances. I think Monster’s face says it all. xx
Greetings to everyone feathered and furred.
My heart goes out to her humans; I share the ache in your heart.
We risk this pain when we take critters into our care, BUT it is worth the journey.
Hope the clouds part and the sun comes out soon.
sending hugs and warm wishes from Albuquerque, NM
PS: sent an email message too
Dear Francis, I was so sorry to hear about BeAnne. The pain will ease at some point and you will have so many wonderful memories I’m sure. It’s just so tough in the meantime. My thoughts are with you.
Not surprising that you are feeling low. It was a long, hard winter, combined with the horrible lock-down situation, the constant worry about all the animals and the days when you’ve had lots of pain. Losing BeAnne was, I suspect something of a ‘final straw’ in what has been a difficult 12 months, or more. There’s some solace from conversations and hugs with your favourite ponies and hopefully from knowing how many of us are thinking of you.
So, so sorry Frances. I know it’s so hard to get over, get beyond, the harsh pain of losing a friend we’ve cherished for a long time.
Yes, animals feel that loss too. My prayers are with you all.
Thinking of you.
I am so desperately sorry to hear about BeAnne. Just because you have been down this road before, just because you knew she could not last forever, does not mean it’s not the most dreadful, painful, awful thing to go through.
I’m quite certain that when J K Rowling wrote Harry Potter, she based the premise of a Horcrux on having the bring the vet to our dearest fur-babes. Voldemort was told that the taking of a life ripped one’s soul in two and having had to make the call myself, more than once, it doesn’t matter how many times you are reminded that “it was time, it was kind, it was the right decision to make”, etc., it is still the most awful thing and sometimes feels like a dreadful price to be paying for the love, the smiles, the licks & snuffles, the years of being together.
You’re all in my thoughts, xx