
This morning I was greeted by happy and dry little horses and ponies who would like to go outside now, please thank you.

But the weather wasn’t great – gusting strong winds accompanied by severe bursts of hard rain.  I deliberated and decided the Ancient Icelandics could go out without rugs into a new field full of long grass.  They didn’t need asking twice. I led Haakon while Iacs cantered past towards freedom, then realised he was on his own and sensibly followed behind with Kolka.

I gave the little ones all the unfinished haynets and told they they were staying inside for the morning.  I wanted to check the electric fence in their field was still fully functional first after the horrendous flooding but I had to go to work at Turriefield.  They didn’t seem to mind staying indoors.

When I got home at lunchtime, I led them outside two at a time.

During the morning dog-walk, OH had made sure the electric fence was working so I felt confident it would contain everyone.  I also opened up a new bit of ground as the mud was bad on the slope down to the burn.  A new layby.

They quickly all squished in to the new area to eat it down.

So that’s us.  All alive and very glad that the storm has passed over.  I am also relieved to know that putting them all in the shed is a sensible solution during extreme bad weather.  They all got on fine and just settled down for 24 hours. Skippy only needed emptying once this morning so easily.  Press Button B at the muck heap!

2 thoughts on “Survived!

  1. Beth

    Great that you have tested out Plan A and found it sucessful for both you and the animals.
    Well done to all, hopefully that takes away some of the stress and worry which might have been lurking in respect of the coming winter.


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