
It was another lovely calm morning today and OH and I got on with our chores.

As snow is forecast at the weekend and well into next week, I asked OH to come with me to move the Shetland ponies’ water bucket.  The water containers are too heavy for me to lug over the fence.

OH placed the big red bucket near where I feed the ponies and I like to think that although there is a stream that flows through both fields, they always have easy access to water.  The stream has steep sides in places and I know the old ladies would struggle with that and give up the idea of drinking rather than make the effort.

I can’t sleep at night if I think anyone hasn’t had a good drink of water and if the ground freezes, everyone will be reluctant to walk much.  But if the water bucket is where their breakfast is served, then it is a bit easier for all.  They all immediately helped themselves so they know where to find it.

Everyone is making the most of the calm days.  I stood in the field and there was total silence except for the sea rumbling in the background.

A magical morning.  I won’t lie, I could do without the snow, though.

6 thoughts on “Sunrise

  1. Judith Garbutt

    We could all do without the snow! Mud has just started to dry up a little – snow will make it boggy again. Keeping all your ponies fed and watered is hard enough without any snow. Fingers crossed that if it arrives it’s no more than a light covering.


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