Sunrise to Sunset

Sunrise this morning was at 09.10.

Some of the snow had gone but it had been a very cold windy night.

Everyone has spent the day dishing out food to those that want it.

Or resting.

And then the sun went down at 15:09 (5 hours 59 minutes later, if Floss’ maths is correct).

Floss and I opened up the big shed and shouted “bedtime”.

The old ladies and Tiddles trotted inside without a second thought.

I would love to say they each know where their pens are, but it can be quite the circus at times.

Then I shut the other Shetland ponies into their paddock with the containers and opened up the field gates.  Kolka, Iacs and Haakon were also waiting to go indoors too.  To be honest, I was quite pleased as tonight is going to be beyond bitter (RealFeel -17℃) so being indoors with unlimited hay etc stops me worrying as much. Iacs was only slightly mad when he came outside this morning – he had an independent thought and wandered off and had to be brought back. ** sigh **.

Haakon is very settled.  He just takes himself off and eats.

These two – Iacs and Kolka who had wolfed their buckets – wanted to have the buckets Fivla and Vitamin were finishing.  They are very slow eaters.

Outside, the “container ponies” are fine.

They get unlimited hay in double haynets as now is no time to be on a diet and one large swede hung up as well.  They love the swede!

4 thoughts on “Sunrise to Sunset

  1. Rebecca A Final

    Frances – could you tell me, what is a “swede”? Not a term I have heard here in California. As usually your photography is gorgeous, but Oh My Goodness – it looks so very cold. You are such a good pony mom – giving them protection from it.

  2. Beth

    After your comment about how the Icelandics usually hate being inside (whites of eyes and endless panic) it says something about the current conditions that they have come in so relatively easily the last two nights.

    And thank goodness for the containers. Take care.


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