Storm Warning

Two more feets to do today – first up was Storm as he did offer with his Winning Smile.

I had carted all my hoof-rasping equipment (rasp, hoof pick, two headcollars (small and larger) with rope and my axle stand) down to their field.  Of course they were at the furthest end.

After I had rasped his hooves (just the small battle of unhelpfulness), Storm decided to get revenge and upturn everything.  I think he wanted to make me smile again after our hoof row.  So he took the bag.  It was doomed.

I left Storm to his own amusements and turned my attention to Fivla.

With Storm scrushling through the bag in the background, Fivla duly had her hooves rasped.

He never gives up.  Hours of entertainment to be had from a Tesco bag.

Afterwards, I took my now-rather-soggy bag (can’t think why) away with me.  It wasn’t quite as nice as when I had arrived with it.

As the class clown, Storm has a huge sense of humour which keeps him and everyone around him smiling.  I do love him very much for it.



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