Snow Again (but not much)

I woke first thing to see this waiting for me.  Snow.  Ok, a smattering, but still snow and it was icey underfoot.

As a treat, I gave everyone a carrot.  The little ones had a small one each.

They were very happy. Tiddles was behind me, munching.  The Shetlands have nothing to eat but soaked hay and fibre-block.  There is nothing in their field, absolutely nothing.  The farrier said he wanted them on the equivalent of “the moon” and this field is just this now.

Meanwhile, next door, the big ones – aka Haakon, Klaengur and Iacs – have everything. The grass is very long.

But they still liked the idea of the carrots I had brought them.

They got the huge carrots (always some in the bag).

One each.

Klaengur looked like he was smoking a cigar!

This afternoon, I was in my shed making a sheep out of Harrel-the-Barrel (body) and Maggie (the fleecey bit).  Their wool is a nice combination.  Maggie’s wool has turned out well too.

So we are keeping busy.  Snow always does that.  Everything takes twice as long.

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