Silver’s Story

This is Silver’s story. He came to me as a 2013 weaned foal, along with Storm and Waffle in January 2014. when the weather had been absolutely vile.  You can see the rescue here. It wasn’t pretty but it was necessary.

Ten years later, Silver has finally grown up, changed colour and turned into a lovely handsome chap.

Ok, he still has his swallowed-a-button face but he is not nervous about much now.

And he has “a kind eye”(s).

Of the three, Silver was the shyest and he worried a lot.

Now he just wants nose kisseys and I, of course, am happy to oblige. That’s what I am here for.

Of all of the original three rescued Shetland ponies, I think Silver actually has come the furthest.  To begin with, he struggled with everything and, while he can still have his moments, I am actually very proud of how he reacts and behaves when the chips are down.  It only took ten years but we’re in it for the long haul.  I think he finally realises all is good.

And this was his original colour!

9 thoughts on “Silver’s Story

  1. Kathy

    You are my kind of person. I have all rescued cats and a rescued box turtle living with me. City living won’t allow for larger animals. Today’s rescue story was great!

  2. Judith

    I’m so glad you rescued them. But you do realise they probably think they rescued you because you must have been so bored before they came, don’t you?

  3. marlane

    Thank goodness that someone had a closer look at what was under the fur of those ponies when Silver was rescued. At first glance as you have pointed out it is not obvious at all, their fur is so thick.

  4. Deb

    That was an interesting read. Also interesting were the comments on the next post. My initial reaction was HOW COULD THEY, but reading comments from Jo and a few others, I feel some compassion for the people.
    I can understand buying cheap ponies for companionship then falling on hard times and being depressed and not asking for help. NOT saying it was OK at all, just seeing that it’s not black and white.


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