Saturday is always the Show Day and Sunday is “Vintage Day” – this is a show of Vintage Cars, Motorbykes, Tractors and Land Rovers.
So I wandered around with my little camera enjoying looking at an amazing array of machines and meeting their owners. I had no idea these vehicles existed up here in Shetland, where everything rusts (due to the high salt content in the air) the minute it can if it stands more than ten minutes outside.
But these automobiles do live up here, obviously loved, cosseted and kept under wraps in cotton wool away from the harsh environment.
This is obviously a labour of love, necessity and commitment.
Anywho, I hope you enjoy the photos. I pottered about while they arrived and were parked in various rows around the Walls show ground.
And then, of course, it started to think about raining. Luckily for everyone and their cars, it held off.
The rest of the photos are in sepia because I thought that was more evocative of the date of the cars (and I wanted to have a play with my camera!)
There was also a Fun Run arranged from 12 noon. Sadly, I considered myself a bit too “vintage” for this!
Anyway, it makes a change from ponies, if you were getting bored of them!
Never bored of ponies!
LOVE the sepia (it’s all I used in high school photo class)
Never get bored with ponies, or lambs, dogs & cats but those sepia pics are fantastic
never get bored of looking at the pones or any animals
Never bored with any of your posts. The sepia photos could be used by the owners if/when they want to sell their cars — totally professional.